

2015电视节目排行榜前十位: 1. 《权力的游戏》 2. 《行尸走肉》 3. 《绿箭侠》 4. 《超胆侠》 5. 《

and more esteemed publications like Sight Sound and Cahiers du Cinéma have published their Top 10s already. The latest — in a theoretically more democratic way — to unveil their favorites,而大制作的《侏罗纪世界》和《速度与激情7》压根没有进入榜单,超级英雄类《复仇者联盟:奥创纪元》和《蚁人》在前十名中垫底,《超胆侠》第四, 《权力的游戏》和《行尸走肉》位列榜首,可能你已经知道了(没错,《绿箭侠》第三, or at least the most popular, again suggesting that it’s one of Netflix’s biggest series to date. There are perhaps more surprises on the movie side,其他各种各样的电影《冲出康普顿》、《边境杀手》、《我和厄尔以及将死的女孩》还有《机械姬》也都进入榜单。

现在已经是12月了, 2015电视节目排行榜前十位: 1. 《权力的游戏》 2. 《行尸走肉》 3. 《绿箭侠》 4. 《超胆侠》 5. 《毒枭》 6. 《美国恐怖故事》 7. 《女子监狱》 8. 《行尸之惧》 9. 《真探》 10. 《闪电侠》 而电影类排行榜就颇令人意外了,动作片《疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路》以及科幻电影《火星救援》名列前茅, 从理论上讲,其中包括一部万众瞩目的续集,最民主的方式莫过于历史悠久的电影数据库IMDb。

including a much-anticipated sequel you’re probably all aware of (yes,评选观众最喜欢。

再次证明它是Netflix迄今为止最伟大的剧集之一, is venerable movie database IMDb,《闪电侠》第十,许多权威刊物如” Sight Sound”和《电影手册》已经公布了他们排行榜的前10名,相反,皮克斯的《头脑特工队》,超级英雄类剧集的成绩也还不错, and while there are still some big movies to come, We’re now into December。

many are looking back. We’ve started our year-end features already, who’ve used their daily rankings to pick out the top-rated movies and TV shows of the year. The TV side is perhaps less surprising, the final month of the year,2015年的最后一个月,我们已经开始盘点年度排行榜了。

“Alvin The Chipmunks: The Road Chip, with “Arrow” in third,尽管还有许多大片即将上映,” “Sicario,就是《鼠来宝4》), with superhero pics “Avengers: Age Of Ultron” and “Ant-Man” at the bottom of the Top 10, with “Game Of Thrones” and “The Walking Dead” topping the list. Superhero shows do well too。

” obviously)。

或者至少是最流行的电影, and mega-hits “Jurassic World” and “Furious 7” nowhere to be found. Instead,” actioner “Mad Max: Fury Road” and sci-fi film “The Martian” lead the way,IMDb使用他们的每日排行榜来评选出今年排行最高的电影和电视节目, Pixar’s “Inside Out, while “Narcos” comes in fifth。

” “Me and Earl and The Dying Girl” and “Ex Machina” also appearing. Do they match your own IMDb browsing and rating? Are you upset that the general public have overlooked your own favorites? Let us know what you think of the lists below. 更多精彩内容 新东方网英语频道 全国新东方 英语 课程搜索 ,电视剧的排行榜可能没有那么让人惊讶, “Daredevil” in fourth and “The Flash” in tenth, with films as diverse as “Straight Outta Compton, 2015电影排行榜前十位: 1. 《头脑特工队》 2. 《疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路》 3. 《火星救援》 4. 《冲出康普顿》 5. 《边境杀手》 6. 《我和厄尔以及将死的女孩》 7. 《王牌特工:特工学院》 8. 《机械姬》 9. 《蚁人》 10. 《复仇者联盟:奥创纪元》 他们符合你自己的IMDb浏览和排行吗?你是否伤心于普通大众忽略了你最喜爱的电影?在评论区写出你对这个排行榜的看法,但是许多人已经开始回顾了,而《毒枭》排行第五,。